David Tawo was a Kenyan citizen of the Luo tribe.  He hailed from Malunga Centre, Wagai Division, North West Gem, Siaya District, Nyanza Province.  Before his death in March 2000, David was the senior pastor of their non –denominational church - Word Christian Centre a fast growing church in Malunga.

   After graduating from Disciples of Mercy Bible Training Center, God gave David the vision behind the ministry and it was first launched in 1995.

   Anna Tawo is an Australian citizen from Perth, Western Australian.  In 1991, she left Australia for Kenya as a missionary to help those in need in that country.  It was there she met and married David, and together they set up African Word Ministries which is registered in Perth, Western Australia..  

   Paul Ochieng, a Kenyan citizen of the Luo tribe is from the same clan as David’s.  Together with David and Anna, Paul helped from the inception of the ministry.  As from August 2006, Paul took over as Chief Executive Officer of African Word Development Organization, Word Christian Centre (2 churches), Word Christian Academy, Word Bible Training Centre, Ebenezer Children’s Home and African Word Group.


   Wagai Division is approximately 12 km from Siaya Town, the Government Headquarters for the Siaya District, with topography of small hills, valleys and sparsely scattered water springs.  The soil is suitable for agriculture and rainfall reliable for two season crop plantings.

    The area has no electricity, water supply, proper sanitation or hospital (the nearest Government hospital is in Siaya Town).  Roads are poorly constructed and become impassable during rainy seasons.

    Some 10,000 people belonging to the Luo Tribe live in and around this area, mainly women and children as most able- bodied men are in the main towns looking for employment.

    Members of the community live on compounds in thatched mud huts and depend on small scale farming, growing crops like maize, sorghum, finger millet and beans for their own consumption s well as a means of income.  The only other major cash crop grown in this area is sugar cane.

    Women undertake most of the heavy household tasks as well as crop planting.  They are further required to obtain maize flour to feed their families which sees many carrying 20kg of whole maize to the nearest posho mill (grinding mill) which can be 3-5 km away. Children miss schooling due to relieving the workload of their mothers in caring for siblings and fetching the daily water supply, which may see them walking 3-4 km to the nearest spring.

    While there is a high mortality rate due to malnutrition, malaria, AIDS and sickness related to poor sanitation and unprotected water springs, the population increases as tradition views children as a blessing, and many families are polygamous.

    Although there is now free primary school in Kenya there is a high illiteracy rate among the people in Siaya District.  Development has also been hindered in this area due to strong traditional attachments, which include witchcraft.

Mission statement:  Isaiah 42:7 To set the captives free

    Our vision is to encourage and support growth of the body, soul and spirit through applying Biblical principles in all areas of life.

    We believe that man is a spirit and has a soul and lives in the body.  Man’s problems cannot be effectively dealt with without dealing with the spiritual issues in man’s life.

At AWM we are geared at dealing with spiritual issues first.   This is attained by the following:

1.  Establishing Word Christian Centres where the Uncompromised Word of God is taught. Our first  
     church was established in June 1995 here in Malunga Central, Wagai Division. Our second church  
     which was planted in 2005 is in an area called Nyapiedho in the interior of the area.  2007 our third
     church was established in Komkuok an area steeped in witchcraft. Our call is to go into areas  
     where there are no Spiritual Churches and to teach people how to live victoriously for Jesus.

2.  Through outreaches.  Rev Paul Ochieng heads our outreach team.

3.   Seminars.  During the past year we have held seminars where people are taught how to live   
      victoriously for Jesus.   In December we held a youth convention where over 100 youth attended
      and were taught the Word of God.

4.   Bible Training Centre.  Word Bible Training Centre was established in 1999.  Initially it started as 
      an in training centre for church members but is now open to other churches.  We also board
      students from outlying areas and tribes.

5.   Children’s Ministry.  Children are special to us as we first started in 1995 with the children’s
      church.Our vision for the children is to teach them the Uncompromised Word of God in order for
      them to grow up as responsible young men and women with a heart for God.

6.   Youth Ministry.  Youth are vital to the church.  Our vision is mobilize the youth to go out into the
      community winning the lost to Jesus.

7.   Women’s Ministry.  We have a women’s ministry ministering to the needs of the woman.
8.   Pastoral and Counselling Programmes.  Staff under the supervision of Rev Paul Ochieng do daily
      follow-up of new Christians as well as church members.

9.   Intercessory Prayer Meetings.

10. Ministry to schools and learning centres.
      Our vision is to go into the schools and minister to the children. 

    For man to develop fully, the mind needs the right kind of information for knowledge.  The Word of God states that the mind of man needs to be renewed.  We are called to teach Christians who they are in Christ Jesus and how to live a victorious life in their covenant rights and privileges. 


     Our desire is to provide quality Christian education to the poor in this area.  Word Christian Nursery School commenced in 1999 comprising of 3 classes: playgroup, nursery and pre unit.  Then in 2006 we started our Primary School which is an 8 year program.  We started with Std 1 and in 2007, Std 2 and Std 3 have now commenced.  At present we have 209 children in the school from the age of 3 to 9 years.  The children are excelling academically and the school has a good reputation in the area.   As part of the programme the school provides milk enriched porridge for each child mid morning.  In some cases this may be the only food that the children will receive until supper.  Milk is provided by the 4 cows which the Mission has for the school as well as the orphans who live at the Centre.
Sponsorship: $15 per month

Orphans and Destitute Children
At present there are 34 orphan and destitute children involved in this programme who are sponsored.  Due to the AIDS problems the area has many orphan and destitute children desperately requiring help.

 At the Mission Centre we have established  Ebenezer Children’s Home, and with 20 boys and girls.  Most of these children were orphaned as a result of parents dying of AIDS.  We have one young child and a teenage girl who has AIDS and is presently on Antiretrovirals.
Sponsorship: $35 per month

In the church we have a number of widows and have been able to build a number of mud huts for these widows as no family member will come to their assistance.     

Since 1995 we had a well installed which provides fresh clean water to the community.

In 2008 five treadle sewing machines were donated to the ministry.  This has enable us to commence our Tailoring Training Centre aimed at helping youth who have been displaced as a result of the skirmishes as well as members of the community.